Reference property
A reference to the field.
Referencing a field is useful when writing formulas for the IncludedFields property of open report buttons, email report buttons, server relay buttons and reset buttons. When a field is referenced from these formulas, it is made part of a report, is sent to a server or is reset, depending on the button.
This property is a read-only property, meaning that no formula can be assigned to it.
Referencing fields from formulas
When referencing a field from a formula, there is no need to write .Reference,Reference after the field name if a reference is sought. These formulas are equivalent when associated with the IncludedFields property of email report buttons:
Above, the IncludedFields
property is looking for an array of references. As Field1 and
Field2 can return references through their Reference
properties, .Reference,Reference is implied.
This formula is associated with the IncludedFields property of an open report button and causes the referenced field to be included in the report.
This formula is associated with the IncludedFields property of an open report button and causes the referenced field to be included in the report. Writing out the Reference property in formulas (by writing Field1.ReferenceField1,Reference) is rarely necessary.
This formula is associated with the IncludedFields property of a reset button. If the ResetAllFields switch field is toggled to its "on" position, all fields of the app are reset (courtesy of AppApp being part of the first array). Otherwise, only Field1, Field10 and all fields that appear between them are reset.