Need help converting your spreadsheet?

Do you have a spreadsheet you'd like to convert to an app? Get in touch with us and we'd be happy to assess whether Calcapp is a good fit at no charge. If you need us to do the conversion work, we'll give you an estimate of the work involved and charge you an hourly fee for our time.

We have been in touch with hundreds, if not thousands, of Calcapp users at this point. These conversations help us understand where you’re coming from, what problems you face and what you expect from Calcapp. All the work we have done since launching the beta in 2016 has been shaped by this feedback. We’re now only a few months away from having a complete product, one that we think will be well worth paying for, and we couldn’t have done it without all these conversations.

Sometimes users ask us for help that goes beyond discussing our future plans or assessing whether Calcapp is the right fit for a given app idea or a given spreadsheet. We’re happy to have those conversations with no expectations of getting paid, but if we’re asked to create an app from scratch and deliver a ready-to-run solution, we do ask to be compensated.

We don’t advertise that we’re willing to do this work (at least not beyond this blog post), as we have a small team and we’re keeping busy building the Calcapp technology. Also, we spent years building calculator apps on a consultancy basis, and we’re convinced that the future of our company is in building a do-it-yourself solution with tens of thousands of users instead of catering to only a handful of customers on a consultancy basis.

That being said, we understand that there are plenty of people who don’t have the time to learn Calcapp Creator and convert a spreadsheet that has perhaps been built over many years by many contributors. (We will add support for importing spreadsheets at some point in the future, but there are many issues that are more pressing.) By doing this work, we gain an even better understanding of what’s it’s like to use Calcapp Creator and what features we’d like to add to create an even better product.

Thus, if there’s a spreadsheet you’d like to see converted into an app, let us know. We’d be happy to have a discussion around the spreadsheet and assess Calcapp’s suitability. If you’d then like us to do the work and create a ready-to-run app, we’d be happy to give you an estimate of the work involved. Contact us at

« Tip: Present text in number fields Letter: Converting data-heavy spreadsheets »